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We Offer healthier life
Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia is a non-cancerous growth of the prostate gland in men, which occurs with natural ageing. The prostate gland is the male organ which is most commonly afflicted with either benign or malignant neoplasm. BPH is the most common benign tumor in men, and its incidence is age-related. The peculiarity of the prostate gland is that in old age when most of the organs regress in size; it enlarges and causes trouble. By virtue of its position, where it guards the outlet of the urinary bladder; when it enlarges, it obstructs the urinary passage leading to a back pressure effect on the bladder. Later on, the ultimate renal damage is detrimental to life. An enlarged prostate gland affects nearly 20% of men at the age of 40 years, 70% at age 60 and 90% by the age of 80 years old. With an incidence so great, it has been even suggested that prostate enlargement (BPH) is a normal process of aging and it does not reflect a disease process. However, approximately 25% of men will require surgery for enlarged prostate. It is important to note that the symptoms of BPH can also be present in other conditions like a urinary infection, prostate cancer or a bladder tumor. An accurate diagnosis of BPH is therefore very important before initiating any treatment. As the condition of BPH is age related, Ayurveda looks at this modern problem in a different way. Ayurveda not only takes care of symptoms of BPH but also facilitates the shrinkage of the prostate hence improves quality of life of patient with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. The advantage of using Ayurvedic herbal medicines in the treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy is that these medicines can be used on a long-term basis even in the elderly population without any risk of serious adverse effects
In general, symptoms of BPH are due to the interference of urine flow through urethra which leads to urine retention in the bladder. The severity of symptoms of BPH doesn’t directly depend on the size of prostate, sometimes it is seen that men with greatly enlarged prostate don’t have that severe symptoms and vice versa. Obstructive symptoms:
Irritative symptoms: These are the symptoms attributed to bladder irritability:
Several problems may occur if an enlarged prostate is left untreated:
Possible adverse Effects of Modern Medicines:
The anatomical position of the prostate gland is described in Ayurvedic classic Yogaratnakara as – Below umbilicus (naabhi), there is a hard gland which is little bit bulged and changes its place some times and sometimes stays stationary, this gland is like “ashteela” (a small stone used to sharpen swords). This gland, when affected by vitiated Vatha, causes a disease called “Vathaashteela” this condition is comparable to Benign prostate hypertrophy. The causes of vathaashteela or BPH are explained as follows- Vataashteela is caused by vitiated Vatha. “Apaana vatha” one of the five types of Vatha located in the testicles, urinary bladder, phallus, umbilicus, thighs, groin, anus and colon. Its functions include ejaculation of semen, voiding of urine, normal delivery and stools. From these functions it becomes clear that the prostate gland also is a functional site of Apana vaatha. The vitiation of Vatha and Apaana vatha is caused by
Ayurvedic management of BPH includes Ayurvedic treatment procedures and formulations. In addition to this, dietary changes, yoga and specific prostate care practices are also suggested. All men over fifty can benefit from the yoga and prostate care practices on a preventative basis. Treatment needs to be specific for each patient, since not all patients respond to the same medicines. Depending upon the presenting symptoms and perceived enlargement of the prostate gland, treatment procedures and formulations for the pacification of Apaana vatha are used. After determining efficacy, minor changes if required will be made and it should be continued for a period of at least six months. Ultimately, BPH must be considered as a Kapha predominant condition. Symptoms that specifically indicate enlargement of the prostate include nocturnal urination, sensation of incomplete emptying, frequency of urination, slow or interrupted stream, dribbling, and straining to pass urine. Pitha effect of inflammation and irritation of the bladder may also manifest. Due to incomplete emptying of the bladder, additional symptoms of bladder infection may arise, including burning sensations and a greater increase in frequency. BPH with Vatha predominance will mainly show symptoms mainly intermittent urination, often associated with pain, frothy urine and foul smelling urination.
All procedures for pacifying Vatha are useful here. Such as Snehana (Oral administration of suitable medicated ghee or Oil) and Vasthis (Introduction of medicine through anal route) are useful in BPH. Particularly Uthara vasthi or introduction of medicines through urethra is very useful in BPH.